Very much a work in progress

Its been almost 10 years since I did any web design in anger as I favour working on the backend either JEE or .Net MVC but I've always been lucky enough to work with some talented designers that seem happy spending all day messing with confusing arrays of CSS files.

Rather than jump straight in with angular or similar I decided to start right back at the beginning, where I began back in the 90's, simple html with simple CSS and build gradually on that. The only downside of course will be that for a while this site will look a bit dated and not very cool but I don't think anyone but me has looked at it for the past 10 years so don't really care 😁

I have had a few ideas that I think I'll go with as a start...

This list seems to change in my head every 5 minutes so who knows what I'll add, it all depends on how much time I actually have really.

Plus I really should think about a logo or something

this is a test